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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Poverty Rate Paradox

According to an interesting article posted yesterday in The Christian Science Monitor, although the poverty rate has increased, the crime rate has indeed fallen.  This challenges the long-held assumption that there is a tie between high poverty rates and high crime rates.  What do you think, fellow Melrose residents?  Is there a strong tie?  We do have, after all, the dubious distinction of living in the poorest congressional district in the country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That interesting, because in the past 2 weeks, at least 3 shooting have be committed between 152 and 156 street and Courtlandt Avenue. I think that more has to be done to curtail these violent crime. This is not what we want our community to be known for. The Christian Scientist and others should be writing about why we still have the "dubious distinction of living in the poorest congressional district in the country".