As you already know, Welcome2Melrose has joined forces with other Bronx Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered (LGBT) leaders to discuss as well as come up with solid solutions to the events of early last month in October where 3 individuals, suspected of being gay, were held captive and tortured.

Also, about a week ago, several Bronx LGBT leaders, including myself, congregated at PeaceLove Cafe to speak to the Mott Haven Herald on the same topic as well. Check out, yet, another informative piece on LGBT issues of the Bronx.
A big Welcome2Melrose THANK YOU is in order for Gary Axelbank and everyone at BronxTalk for putting together a wonderful show and a wonderful panel of guests on such a serious and important topic. The Bronx LGBT Community needs all the support we can get as well as outlets to let our voices be heard and what a better place than on BronxTalk.
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